strpavši u kofer snove i ambicije.
Drug je studirao sa njom,
pa smo se najzad sreli ona i ja.
Shvatih, Bože, ovo je sazveždje za nju provincija..."
This is a story about an extraordinary person... A person with so much passion and motivation... A person that inspires and gives you a reason to believe in people...
Only two years ago she was one of the members in a LC that was about to be closed... No people, no plan, no knowledge, big financial problems... Noone believed in them...
Then, love for AIESEC, stubborness and passion helped and she took over the LC, gathering a new team and motivating them to work harder then ever... to show everyone that they were wrong about them... to show everyone what real AIESEC is all about... It took only a year for her to make this LC the best in the country, with loads of motivated members and constant growth in all aspects...
Then she moved to Belgrade, to work in the MC... I noticed that she didn`t change a lot... She was still the same person I met in Nis, driven by passion, not an agenda. Always losing nerves on small, irrelevant things and on the other side making miracles... In less then 6 months, she succeded what I couldn`t 2 years before - she brought CSR to Serbia... so smooth as it was the easiest thing in the world... heh...
And on the last NatCo, she took another step and became the MCP... And even if her mandate is officially starting in May, she already started sharing her energy and passion... I`ve never heard so many young members talking about their future in AIESEC, but after her presentation during the voting procedure. So emotional, so efficient... To hell with recruitment and selection processes - just bring people to the conference and let her talk to them... :)
And I`ve never been happier or more proud... She and her LC were the reason why I resigned from my MC position 2 years ago - they worked so hard at that time to rebuild their LC from ashes and other LCs were more then unsupportive. Not only that they didn`t believe in her and her LC, but some of them were directly working against... That dissapointed me and I quit...
But now, almost all the pieces of the puzzle are at their place... Let`s just wait one more year, to give her some time to put @ SCG where it belongs... Then the puzzle will be completed... and I know it will happen...
Way to go baby... Don`t ever change...
you are right man. it takes only one person who can lead a bunch of others and make things change. and when is done, feels soooo great. for everyone