Yeah, it`s not a mistake... I`m not writing about IC 2006, but IC 2003... exactly 3 years ago on this day IC 2003 started with a Global Village at Nikola Pasic square and then grand opening at Center Sava in Belgrade.
I remember each and every moment of that day... It was the dream coming true, and in a pretty good way too! We were praying for good weather for almost a year and not only that it didn`t rain, but it was the hottest August day in the history of Belgrade :).
generally, no IC is easy to organize, but this one was special... our team faced so many challenges that I still cannot believe we did it... let me just name a few - murder of our prime-minister Djindjic (supposed to be our main supporter) couple of months before the conference, initiating "red-alert" status in Serbia and slowing our progress; then one of main political parties offering us money and help if we join them (most of directors of biggest companies are involved with them); then people of @ in Serbia not believing that we can do it (this was the worst); then huge cash flow problems, alumnies not helping etc. Oh my god, were we challenged all the time or what... But the only thing that matters is that we believed... There were days when we analyzed the situation, realizing that we`re all alone in this (the 5 of us) and discussed if it`s worth or not... If it`s worth losing health and precious time (some of us actually quit our jobs so that we can be full time IC execs)... It was not easy indeed...
But yeah, it was worth! It was worth each and every second! I realized it when the global village started and I got onto the stage with a beautiful view in front of me - all delegates dancing @ dances and Belgrade people joining them creating the biggest amount of positive energy I ever felt... Then the grand opening in Center Sava with couple of thousands of people and our Minister of Finances, Mr. Djelic giving a fantastic opening speech. Then Beli had a CCP speech and invited the whole CC on the stage... I was in my shorts and t-shirt, still dirty from cleaning the GV place, so there was no time to change (and yeah, I was CCVP, supposed to be in a nice suit and mingling with important guests)... but just the feeling of standing at the big stage with the whole team, while thousands of people are giving you standing ovations... well... it just hits you... more then 2 years (we first got the idea of orgnizing IC2003 on the last night of eurolds 2001, when we were completely drunk) of waiting for the moment, going through bidding nightmare, then organizing problems etc... it simply hits you... you succeded... and you can`t stop tears...
ReplyDeleteI didnt know you were on the CC of IC 2003!I had an almost exact experience at IC 2005 in India working on the CC.
I was managing the global village and had to run for the opening plenary and You Can! after the event was over!
Can relate to the feelings in your post