First they tell us it`s not possible to join before 2014, then they tell us 2010 is fine, then they tell us they will slow down the process after accession of Bulgaria and Romania, then they tell us we`ll get in at 2009 if we let Kosovo to become independent, then they stop negotiations with us and finally this...
Grrrr, this really sucks...
And honestly, I wish they just leave us alone... I`m sick of Unions and stuff... Let Serbia be independent at once... Even if that means less wealth for us...
Just to finaly feel how is it to enjoy the benefits of what you do (instead of having to take care of other republics and keep feeding them)... To feel proud to be Serbian again (since this pride was heavily lost in last 50-60 years or was misinterpreted)...
Anyhow, the second news is that our economical reforms are quite good and that we are growing quickly... Not that we feel it that much because inflation is still quite high, but yeah, one can see impact of recent investments in Serbia... Belgrade is booming (was voted as SEE City of Future), Novi Sad is emerging as a big business center, Nis is still struggling but soon after the elections the improvement will be seen, Kragujevac is finally on a good way (after signing a strategic partnership between Zastava and Fiat), Indjija has become the best municipaity in the whole region etc...
First extradition, then candidacy in 2008
15 November 2006 | 13:02 | Source: Beta
BELGRADE -- The EU expects the next Serbian Government to extradite Ratko Mladić in a very timely manner.
If this is taken care of, Serbia will become a candidate-country for European Union membership in 2008, according to daily Blic.
Blic’s source adds that the EU will conditionally continue the discussions for signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement by the summer of 2007, if the new Serbian Government accepts the obligation of arresting Mladić with a definitive deadline for doing so.
The EU no longer believes in the Action Plan and is looking for a new date to be set, according to the daily. The source also says that Schengen visas could also be included in the package if all technical details are taken care of.
If this was to happen, Serbian citizens would be able to travel freely through the European Union without the need for visas, once Serbia becomes a candidate-country in 2008.
Serbia shows fastest growth
15 November 2006 | 08:48 | Source: B92
LONDON -- The EBRD stated that Serbia has shown the greatest amount of economic growth this year in Southeast Europe.
In the latest Transitional Report for Economic Trends in Southeast European countries, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development stated that Serbia had a 6.3 percent economic growth rate this year.
However, the region in total suffered a drop in economic productivity, from 6.9 to 4.7 percent, mainly because of Romania’s slumping economy.
In addition to Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria had good showings this year, with rates near six percent. The two countries will be joining the European Union in January.
The EBRD stated that industrial growth, mainly in the metal sector, a growth in exports, and larger domestic consumer demand linked to the expansion of crediting activity by banks, are responsible for the economic progress in the region.
Of all the former Communist countries, those of Southeast Europe have shown the most progress since last year, mainly because of the promise and perspective of joining the European Union many have received.
Still, the region is still very much behind Central Europe economically, a region which has show tremendous growth in recent years.
I think Serbia will become a memeber of EU in a matter of days as soon as they extradite Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadzic. Carla del Ponte is just waiting for them (so is the rest of the world) and then Serbia will be in EU.
ReplyDeleteSerbia is a 10 milion people market, bigger than Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia all together therefore the EU has great interest in that as well as to gain the political power in this region, they are just moving slowly because they know in all ex YU they are dealing with the 'Balkans' :)
Good luck, my money is on 2009-2010 predictions:
2007 Bulgaria, Romania
2009 Croatia
2010 Serbia, Macedonia
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina
2012 Fall of EU
:P (only kidding)
hehe, I have somewhere the whole scenario on EU fall after ex-Yu countries join. The one with hiring relatives and implementing "our way of business" :D
ReplyDeleteit ends with all other countries leaving EU and only ex-YU being together :D
Ah found it... ALthough not in english... AM too lazy to translate it now... Will post it as separate post when I do...
2007. Ulazi Bugarska u EU
2010. Ulazi Rumunija u EU
2015. Ulaze Hrvatska, Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Turska, Albanija, Kosovo, Srbija i CG u EU
2017. Zaposljava se prvi nas covjek u administraciji EU
2018. Prvi nas covjek u administraciji EU zaposljava cijelu svoju, zeninu i kumovu svojtu, clanove porodica najblizih komsija, kao i neke ljude iz svog zavicaja.
2019. Nasi vec cine 10% administracije
2022. Udio nasih u administraciji je 60%. Evropska administracija povecava plate tri puta, uvodi fleksibilno radno vrijeme i juznoslovenske jezike kao “treci” sluzbeni jezik
2024. Zbog stresa, 90% clanova evropske administracije je na bolovanju. Najvise bolovanja biljezi se u periodu od 15.6. do 15.10. i od 15.12. do 15.1. Bolesnici su vidjeni po Mediteranu, na Baliju i Alpima, gdje se o trosku EU lijece od stresa. Zakonom se uredjuje da EU snosi najveci dio troskova lijecenja bolesnih. Do njihovog povratka na posao zaposljevaju se novi radnici, “na neodredjeno”.
2025. Broj Balkanaca u EU administraciji je 90%. . Makedonci na referendumu ponovo odbacuju euro.
2026. Dolazi do rezanja troskova i otpustaju se cistacice, kuvari, vozaci. Svi do jednog belgijski drzavljani. Udio Balkanaca u EU administraciji doseze 99.3%.
2027. Hrvatska dobija nove kredite EU medu kojima i onaj kredit za uzgoj dudovog svilca i cubastog gnjurca. Hrvatsko predsjednistvo okoncava sestomjesecni mandat. Crna Gora uspjesno okoncava proces privatizacije. Od januara 2028. predsjedavanje Unijom preuzima Beograd.
2028. Njemacka u februaru istupa iz EU. Mjesec dana kasnije, to cine Francuska i Finska, a do kraja godine, za vrijeme albanskog predsjedavanja, i Velika Britanija, Belgija, Danska, Svedska, Holandija, Luksemburg, Italija, Spanija, Portugal, Austrija, Ceska, Litvanija, Letonija, Estonija, Grcka i Slovenija. Sve zemlje uvode rigorozan vizni rezim za drzavljane zemalja EU...
Hahahahah, bas si me slatko nasmijao...
ReplyDeleteOvo s administracijom mi je odlicno!!! Mi smo ljudi rodjeni za toga! :) samo nam dajte papira i saltera mi znamo kako cemo dalje :)))