Friday, November 3, 2006


Part of an e-mail that I got through a list... Part of a chain letter, but a nice one, without promising you to become rich etc...

...just an inspiring text that reminds you about things...

I got it in Serbian and am translating it using all my english skills :)





Old age is like a bank account. You gain from it what you invested. My advice is to invest lots of happiness in the bank of memories!

Thank you for your part in my bank of memories. I`m still investing!

Remember 5 simple rules for happiness:

1. Free your mind of hate.
2. Free your mind of concerns.
3. Live a simple life.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

I`m not forwarding this expecting "some miracle" tomorrow, nor to complete the "7 people goal". My aim is that each and every one of you realize this very second just how happy you are. If I achieved this, then I don`t have to wait for tomorrow... A miracle happened already...

Real happiness is in small things - we just have to reach them and put them in the right place.


Starost je kao bankovni racun. Sa njega podizete ono sto ste tu ulozili. Moj savet vam je da ulozite mnogo srece u banku secanja!
Hvala vam za vas deo u banci secanja. Ja još uvek ulazem!!

Zapamtite pet jednostavnih pravila za srecu:
1. Oslobodite svoje srce mrznje.
2. Oslobodite svoj um od briga.
3. zivite jednostavno.
4. Pruzajte vise.
5. Ocekujte manje.
Ne prosledjujem vam ovo da bi mi se desilo "neko cudo" sutra, niti da bih ispunio cifru od 7 ljudi. Namera mi je da svako od vas, ove sekunde pomisli koliko je zaista sretan. Ako sam to uspeo, onda ne moram da cekam sutra... Desilo se cudo...
Sreca je u malim stvarima, treba samo da pruzimo ruku i postavimo ih na pravo mesto....

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