Sunday, November 5, 2006

"Saddam Hussein sentenced to death"

cross-posted from


2 days before the US elections, although the two are obviously unconnected and only a crazed conspiracy theorist would suggest otherwise.....

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The Iraqi High Tribunal on Sunday sentenced a combative Saddam Hussein and two other defendants to death by hanging for a brutal crackdown in 1982 in the Shiite town of Dujail.....(link)

There is an automatic appeal process for the death sentence, and he still has other trials to face, so it will be a while before the sentence is carried out.....perhaps sometime in October 2008?


My comment:

heh, in my country they start big projects before the elections... or raise salaries, start building new roads etc...
and we hate them for that... jeez, just realized how underdeveloped nation we are...

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