Friday, November 17, 2006

sponsored post -

While browsing, I read on Tom Gara`s blog about this website - which actually pays you to review websites!

As soon as you register and submit your blog/website, they evaluate it on a scale 1 to 5 and price of your review changes accordingly (my blog got 1 star, so I`m being paid $20 per review). And then they offer you your first job - to review their website (which I am doing now :)).

An interesting concept indeed... Don`t know how much do they charge companies to advertise through this system, but I do believe that it`s not too much and that many companies might consider this option... Why? Well simply because this is not about spreading the good word - it is about spreading the word in general... So if you want your product to get through the consumers and you don`t have enough funds to compete with big fishes in advertising campaigns, then you usually turn to other channels - word of mouth, direct marketing,

And just the idea of paying you to review their own website, which is I guess a proof of concept strategy, is fantastic!

So, let`s see if this continues to work... So far - I like the idea... And I hope it continues to work... :)

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